Gynaecological outpatient clinic in Klinika ReFit
In the ReFit Clinic we also have a private gynaecological clinic. The reason for its opening is the high interest from your side for rehabilitation, which is to be focused on the field of gynecology.
Patients are interested in this area of rehabilitation, but the problem is that they often start rehabilitation in private facilities without a thorough examination and assessment of their musculoskeletal condition. Whether it is rehabilitation facilities or fitness centers, patients start exercising without a thorough examination at the specific facility. As a result of the therapist's lack of knowledge of the patient's condition, the musculoskeletal system (particularly the pelvic floor muscles and an inappropriate group of abdominal muscles) may be overloaded, leading to complications (e.g., worsening diastasis of the abdominal muscles). The most common problems that patients come to us with are: diastasis after childbirth and menstrual cramps.
At ReFit we have done everything possible to prevent such situations. If a patient is interested in rehabilitation in our facility, we recommend that she undergoes an examination with our gynaecologists, who, based on the outcome of the examination, will suggest the following course of therapy and patients will be checked at regular intervals during the duration of rehabilitation.