About me:
Venuje sa najmä diagnostike a terapii poúrazových a pooperačných stavov pohybového aparátu a ako kondičný tréner aj úplnej rekonvalescencii športovcov.
Gagarinova 5/B, 821 01 Bratislava
Tel.: +421 2 206 207 10
Email: recepcia@klinikarefit.sk
Mgr. Marcel Duda
Head Physiotherapist
Marcel is a graduated physiotherapist with many years of experience in sports physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
He gained experience in cooperation with physiotherapists and doctors in the state and private sector with a focus on patients in the area of traumatology, orthopedics and rehabilitation. He focuses mainly on the examination and therapy of post-traumatic and post -operative conditions of the musculoskeletal system, pre-operative physiotherapy and complex convalescence of athletes.
He has completed many professional courses and training in Slovakia and abroad and is currently working with various sports clubs in the field of football, floorball, ballroom dances and athletics.